Polar Bear Week 2 and Work Party

Maya Member’s,

Polar Bear League Week 2 this weekend.
A few things to remember regarding the Polar Bear League.

  1. The week 1 discount is no longer available.
  2. Ensure you are recording your score on the scorecard for the proper week number.
  3. Have your scores totaled for each week when returning your scorecard after each round.
  4. Be on the course by 9 AM.
  5. Shooter ID is not your Membership ID. You will find the box for Membership ID on the Scorecard. Shooter ID is a computer number assigned by the Scoring Program.

There will be a Work Party this Saturday, beginning at 8 AM. The main purpose is to glue new paper targets. When participating in any Work Party, be sure to sign-in with your Membership ID, Name, and Time. This way you will get credit towards reducing you Membership dues in July.

Dave Baker
VP Hunting & Membership