Maya Member’s,
We are now in the 2024/2025 membership year! The gate combination was changed last evening (July 15th) as noted in the renewal notices sent to the membership. So far there have been 307 membership renewals received as of yesterday, a positive response.
Summer League Awards/BBQ will be held July 27th, at 12 PM. All the participants are invited to attend and their guest. Please RSVP with the number attending so we can get a handle on the food that needs to be prepared. We are sorry for the delay, but this was the date we could get together a crew to put on the BBQ.
To all those who are shooting on the range… the fire danger is at an all-time high. Be mindful of where you park and above there is NO SMOKING on the range. We are also suspending all target lane maintenance due to the dry conditions.
Our next scheduled event will not be until October 13th, which will be the Club Field Championships. This a 42 target, Field, Hunter, and Animal round. Awards will be presented at our Annual Awards Banquet in March.
Thank You
Dave Baker
VP Hunting & Membership