Maya Members – Membership Renewal and Work Party

Maya Member’s,

Membership renewals have been in progress over the past 3 weeks!  Membership is due upon receipt of your renewal invoice!  As of July 15th, the gate combination will be changed and if you have not renewed your membership, you will be denied access to the range.

Between now and July 15th, you can deposit your membership renewal, along with payment in the ‘Locked Mailbox’ by the Clubhouse door for a quick turnaround of receiving your 24/25 Membership Card.  Otherwise, mail your membership renewal to our PO Box 1072, Roseville, CA 95678.

There will be a Work Party July 13th, 8 AM. The work party is only scheduled for 2 hours due to the excessive heat. Our objective is to empty the trash barrels on the range and a small amount of weed eating by the clubhouse and practice range.

This will be the final email message to 23/24 membership list. Going forward all emails will defer to active members on the 24/25 email list.

Dave Baker
VP Hunting & Membership
916 765-4516
[email protected]