Maya – Open Wrap Up

Maya Members,

A tremendous thank you to all the club members who made our 2023 ‘Around the World’ open shoot successful.  From those who came out on Thursday & Friday for preliminary setup of the range was big in getting the course ready.  With that help we were able to have members participate in the Club 3D Championship.

On Sunday we had a great work force from members doing parking, registration, bike trail, food service, raffles, and clean up after the completion of the Open. It went off smoothly and we can’t thank the help we received enough. It takes a lot of effort and hard work to put this shoot on.

The Bow Raffle was a great success and a special thanks to Mike at Wilderness Archery in promoting this new type of raffle.  Wilderness Archery was generous in providing raffle prizes in the regular raffle. Also, thanks to the club members who donated raffle prizes to make this year’s raffle special.

We had 103 shooters registered shooters Sunday; not the response we anticipated, but we were up against 3 others shoots that day. Break the Barriers, Siskiyou Bowmen, & Silver Arrow.

Just a big thank you to all who made this shoot happen.

Dave Baker
VP Hunting & Membership